410 research outputs found

    SWiM: A Simple Window Mover

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    As computers become more ubiquitous, traditional two-dimensional interfaces must be replaced with interfaces based on a three-dimensional metaphor. However, these interfaces must still be as simple and functional as their two-dimensional predecessors. This paper introduces SWiM, a new interface for moving application windows between various screens, such as wall displays, laptop monitors, and desktop displays, in a three-dimensional physical environment. SWiM was designed based on the results of initial "paper and pencil" user tests of three possible interfaces. The results of these tests led to a map-like interface where users select the destination display for their application from various icons. If the destination is a mobile display it is not displayed on the map. Instead users can select the screen's name from a list of all possible destination displays. User testing of SWiM was conducted to discover whether it is easy to learn and use. Users that were asked to use SWiM without any instructions found the interface as intuitive to use as users who were given a demonstration. The results show that SWiM combines simplicity and functionality to create an interface that is easy to learn and easy to use.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Neizvjesnost ekonomske politike i prinos na tržištu nekretnina u Njemačkoj na primjeru bootstrap metode

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    The purpose of this investigation is to research the causal link between economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and the housing returns (HR) in Germany. In the estimated vector autoregressive models, we test its stability and find the short-run relationship between HR and EPU is unstable. As a result, a time-varying approach (bootstrap rolling window causality test) is utilized to revisit the dynamic causal link, and we find EPU has no impact on HR due to the stability of the real estate market in Germany. HR does not have significant effects on EPU in most time periods. However, significant feedback in several sub-periods (both positive and negative) are found from HR to EPU, which indicates the causal link from HR to EPU varies over time. The empirical results do not support the general equilibrium model of government policy choices that indicate EPU does not play a role in the real estate market. The basic conclusion is that the real estate market shows its stability due to the social welfare nature and the rational institutional arrangement of the real estate in Germany, and the real estate market also shows its importance that it has significant effect on the economic policy choice in some periods when negative external shocks occur.Svrha ovog istraživanja je ispitati uzročno-posljedičnu vezu između neizvjesnosti ekonomske politike (NEP) i prinosa na tržištu nekretnina (PTN) u Njemačkoj. U vektorskim auto-regresijskim modelima testirana je stabilnost odnosa NEP-a i PTN-a i utvrđeno je da je kratkoročni odnos između NEP-a i PTN-a nestabilan. Kao rezultat, metoda kliznog vremenskog okvira promatranja podataka (bootstrap test kauzalnosti) koristi se da bi se preispitala dinamična uzročno-posljedična veza (veza kauzalnosti) i utvrđeno je da NEP nema utjecaja na PTN zahvaljujući stabilnosti tržišta nekretnina u Njemačkoj. U većini vremenskih razdoblja, PTN nema značajan utjecaj na NEP. Međutim, značajne povratne informacije u nekoliko pod-razdoblja (i pozitivne i negativne) ukazuju na kauzalnu vezu PTN-a prema NEP-u koja varira tijekom vremena. Empirijski rezultati ne podupiru model opće ravnoteže vladine politike izbora što ukazuje na to da NEP ne utječe na tržište nekretnina. Temeljni zaključak je da tržište nekretnina pokazuje svoju stabilnost zahvaljujući socijalnoj skrbi i racionalnom institucijskom uređenju tržišta nekretnina u Njemačkoj, a isto tako i tržište nekretnina pokazuje da ima značajan utjecaj na ekonomsku politiku izbora u nekim razdobljima kod pojave negativnih vanjskih šokova

    Does the covered interest rate parity fit for China?

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    This paper aims to investigate whether the covered interest rate parity (C.I.P.) holds or not through examining the dynamic link between nominal interest rate differential (N.I.R.D.) and nominal exchange rate (N.E.R.) in China. With economic transitions and structural changes existing, we find that the C.I.P. condition using full-sample data does not always hold. Consequently, we apply a time-varying rolling-window approach to revisiting the dynamic causal relationship, and the results show that N.I.R.D. has both positive and negative impacts on N.E.R. in several sub-periods, and in turn, N.E.R. has the same effects on N.I.R.D. for China. Exchange regime reform, currency-specific market risk and capital control are considered in explaining the deviations in some subsample periods. Therefore, empirical results have important implications for distinguishing factors that bring about the C.I.P. deviations and further offers policy suggestions for the Chinese monetary authorit

    Diarrheagenic pathogens in adults attending a hospital in Singapore.

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    BACKGROUND: Singapore's diarrhoeal notification system is based on specific pathogens. Official data may thus be skewed towards notifiable diseases. Limited information is available on the profiles of aetiological agents responsible for acute gastroenteritis (AGE) cases, especially among the adult population. To understand the frequency and distribution of potential causative agents of diarrheal disease in Singapore, we screened adults' stool samples collected from a large public hospital. METHODS: The stool samples were screened for 18 diarrheagenic pathogens using a combination of commercial multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in-house singleplex PCR and immunochromatographic assays. One hundred adult faecal samples that were collected from October 2013 to January 2014 for routine diagnostic purposes and submitted for culture at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore were used. RESULTS: Pathogens were detected in 32% of the samples. The predominant organisms encountered were norovirus genogroup II (11%), Aeromonas spp. (9%) and Campylobacter spp. (5%). One sample was positive for both verocytotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC) and E. coli O157:H7. Two other samples were positive for VTEC only, and one other sample was positive for E. coli O157:H7 only. Astrovirus, C. perfringens, Shigella spp. and toxigenic C. difficile were each detected in 2% of the samples. Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia, group A rotavirus, Salmonella spp. and Vibrio spp. were each detected in 1% of the samples. No L. monocytogenes, Y. enterocolitica, enteric adenovirus, or norovirus genogroup I were detected. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary findings suggest that pathogens causing non-notifiable diseases might have contributed considerably to the adult hospitalised AGE cases. However, as the samples were from an adult hospital, the data obtained may not be representative of the whole community. Thus, a larger study to collect clinical samples and risk exposure data from primary healthcare clinics and children hospital is planned for, to gain a more holistic perspective on the epidemiology of AGE in Singapore. A larger study may also offer valuable insights for improving the approach of microbiological surveillance of food, as well as strategizing inspection efforts along the food supply chain by public health authorities

    In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization of the Alkaloid Nuciferine

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    RationaleThe sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) contains many phytochemicals and has a history of human use. To determine which compounds may be responsible for reported psychotropic effects, we used in silico predictions of the identified phytochemicals. Nuciferine, an alkaloid component of Nelumbo nucifera and Nymphaea caerulea, had a predicted molecular profile similar to antipsychotic compounds. Our study characterizes nuciferine using in vitro and in vivo pharmacological assays.MethodsNuciferine was first characterized in silico using the similarity ensemble approach, and was followed by further characterization and validation using the Psychoactive Drug Screening Program of the National Institute of Mental Health. Nuciferine was then tested in vivo in the head-twitch response, pre-pulse inhibition, hyperlocomotor activity, and drug discrimination paradigms.ResultsNuciferine shares a receptor profile similar to aripiprazole-like antipsychotic drugs. Nuciferine was an antagonist at 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, and 5-HT2B, an inverse agonist at 5-HT7, a partial agonist at D2, D5 and 5-HT6, an agonist at 5-HT1A and D4 receptors, and inhibited the dopamine transporter. In rodent models relevant to antipsychotic drug action, nuciferine blocked head-twitch responses and discriminative stimulus effects of a 5-HT2A agonist, substituted for clozapine discriminative stimulus, enhanced amphetamine induced locomotor activity, inhibited phencyclidine (PCP)-induced locomotor activity, and rescued PCP-induced disruption of prepulse inhibition without induction of catalepsy.ConclusionsThe molecular profile of nuciferine was similar but not identical to that shared with several approved antipsychotic drugs suggesting that nuciferine has atypical antipsychotic-like actions

    Small PARP inhibitor PJ-34 induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of adult T-cell leukemia cells

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    A grant from the One-University Open Access Fund at the University of Kansas was used to defray the author’s publication fees in this Open Access journal. The Open Access Fund, administered by librarians from the KU, KU Law, and KUMC libraries, is made possible by contributions from the offices of KU Provost, KU Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Studies, and KUMC Vice Chancellor for Research. For more information about the Open Access Fund, please see http://library.kumc.edu/authors-fund.xml.Background HTLV-I is associated with the development of an aggressive form of lymphocytic leukemia known as adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL). A major obstacle for effective treatment of ATLL resides in the genetic diversity of tumor cells and their ability to acquire resistance to chemotherapy regimens. As a result, most patients relapse and current therapeutic approaches still have limited long-term survival benefits. Hence, the development of novel approaches is greatly needed. Methods In this study, we found that a small molecule inhibitor of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), PJ-34, is very effective in activating S/G2M cell cycle checkpoints, resulting in permanent cell cycle arrest and reactivation of p53 transcription functions and caspase-3-dependent apoptosis of HTLV-I-transformed and patient-derived ATLL tumor cells. We also found that HTLV-I-transformed MT-2 cells are resistant to PJ-34 therapy associated with reduced cleaved caspase-3 activation and increased expression of RelA/p65. Conclusion Since PJ-34 has been tested in clinical trials for the treatment of solid tumors, our results suggest that some ATLL patients may be good candidates to benefit from PJ-34 therapy

    Dysregulation of Gene Expression in a Lysosomal Storage Disease Varies between Brain Regions Implicating Unexpected Mechanisms of Neuropathology

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    The characteristic neurological feature of many neurogenetic diseases is intellectual disability. Although specific neuropathological features have been described, the mechanisms by which specific gene defects lead to cognitive impairment remain obscure. To gain insight into abnormal functions occurring secondary to a single gene defect, whole transcriptome analysis was used to identify molecular and cellular pathways that are dysregulated in the brain in a mouse model of a lysosomal storage disorder (LSD) (mucopolysaccharidosis [MPS] VII). We assayed multiple anatomical regions separately, in a large cohort of normal and diseased mice, which greatly increased the number of significant changes that could be detected compared to past studies in LSD models. We found that patterns of aberrant gene expression and involvement of multiple molecular and cellular systems varied significantly between brain regions. A number of changes revealed unexpected system and process alterations, such as up-regulation of the immune system with few inflammatory changes (a significant difference from the closely related MPS IIIb model), down-regulation of major oligodendrocyte genes even though white matter changes are not a feature histopathologically, and a plethora of developmental gene changes. The involvement of multiple neural systems indicates that the mechanisms of neuropathology in this type of disease are much broader than previously appreciated. In addition, the variation in gene dysregulation between brain regions indicates that different neuropathologic mechanisms may predominate within different regions of a diseased brain caused by a single gene mutation

    Towards a Muon Collider

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    A muon collider would enable the big jump ahead in energy reach that is needed for a fruitful exploration of fundamental interactions. The challenges of producing muon collisions at high luminosity and 10 TeV centre of mass energy are being investigated by the recently-formed International Muon Collider Collaboration. This Review summarises the status and the recent advances on muon colliders design, physics and detector studies. The aim is to provide a global perspective of the field and to outline directions for future work.Comment: 118 pages, 103 figure

    Towards a muon collider

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    A muon collider would enable the big jump ahead in energy reach that is needed for a fruitful exploration of fundamental interactions. The challenges of producing muon collisions at high luminosity and 10 TeV centre of mass energy are being investigated by the recently-formed International Muon Collider Collaboration. This Review summarises the status and the recent advances on muon colliders design, physics and detector studies. The aim is to provide a global perspective of the field and to outline directions for future work

    Erratum:Towards a muon collider

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